In line with the Norwegian oil and gas sector, Simon Møkster Shipping is aiming to cut the emission of climate gases with 40 % by 2030 and further working towards zero emission in 2050. In addition, our ambition is to reduce CO2 emissions per distance sailed with 70 % by 2030. This is an ambitious, but necessary step considering our goal of being a Norwegian shipping company with an infinite perspective.
Our customers, lenders, the government and the general public set ever increasing demands for sustainable development, the environment and emission of climate gasses. Simon Møkster Shipping’s strategy is that through safe operations, zero injuries and an environmentally friendly profile, we aim to generate revenue and innovations in the maritime sector. In 2020 and beyond, we will therefore commit to increase our focus and implement the United Nation sustainable development goals in our strategy work.
Simon Møkster Shipping also has a clear ambition to reduce climate gas emissions in line with IMO and the rest of the Norwegian oil and gas industry. Our ambition is to cut the total CO2 emissions from our fleet with 40 % by 2030, further working towards zero emissions in 2050.
To relate this to activity and to ensure that we also achieve actual reductions regardless of fleet size, we have an additional energy efficiency ambition. By 2030, we shall achieve a 70 % reduction in CO2 emissions per sailed distance.
So far, the most important contribution is all the work being done by our fleet every day by more efficient sailing and collaboration with our customers. In addition we have made several large investments to reduce emissions, the latest being the convertion of the "Stril Barents" to a LNG-battery hybrid. Implementing new environmetally friendly technologies and solutions will be essential in achieving our ambitions, as well as a continous focus in every operations.