Our Priorities

50 % reduction in GHG emissions by 2030
70 % reduction in CO2 intensity by 2030
Net-zero emissions in 2050
Zero non-planned discharges or spills

Zero injuries to personnel
Proactive safety culture
Adherence to human rights

Zero tolerance for bribery or corruption
Zero tolerance for unethical or illegal behaviour
Ensuring accountability and transparency

Sustainable Development
Commitment to the UN Sustainability Development Goals
UN Sustainable Development Goals
For Simon Møkster Shipping, sustainability is an essential part of our licence to operate and crucial for generating long-term value.
Our primary objective is to provide maritime services with zero injuries to personnel, compliance with human rights, zero unplanned discharges or spills, minimal environmental impact and as little material damage as possible. Meanwhile limiting emissions with a clear ambition of reducing GHG emissions by 40 % in 2030 and working towards net-zero in 2050.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals are actively used, and Simon Møkster Shipping has selected and committed to eight goals which align with the Company’s operations and processes.

Simon Møkster Shipping recognises the responsibility to contribute to reduce the global GHG emissions. We have for several decades had a high focus on increasing fuel efficiency and decreasing climate gas emissions, and our fuel-saving initiative FuelRACE (Reduce fuel And Cut Emissions) has been running successfully since 2014, raising the awareness of fuel efficiency measures.
Simon Møkster Shipping has clear ambitions to reduce the direct fleet GHG emissions by 50 % within 2030, further working towards net-zero in 2050. Additionally, we shall achieve a 70 % reduction in CO2 emissions per distance sailed (CII) by 2030.
Simon Møkster Shipping is also strongly committed to reducing local emissions of air pollutants and the ecological impact of our operations.
Simon Møkster Shipping is responsible for complying with human rights, including labour rights and performing due diligence in a lawful manner, as referenced in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
The Company is dedicated to utilising suppliers which provide products and services that have the least possible negative impact on the environmental, social and economical development.
Simon Møkster Shipping is also committed to create an open and inclusive working environment which welcomes and empowers employees of all genders, backgrounds, ethnicities and sexualities, while placing high importance on the continuous recruitment to the industry through our apprentice and cadet program.
Simon Møkster Shipping is committed to conduct all company activities in such a way that authorises, customers, suppliers and employees have confidence in the Company and behave upright and reliable in all instances.
The Company is committed not to utilise suppliers which use or are suspected of using labour that is not covered by wage agreements, or do not have internationally agreed workers’ rights, nor utilise suppliers that benefit from child labour.
All vessels managed by Simon Møkster Shipping fly either NOR or NIS flag, which both are on the Paris MoU White List. All seafarers sailing on board vessels managed by the Company, either employed by Simon Møkster Shipping or Mercator Crewing are covered by collective bargaining agreements. All shore-based personnel are also covered by individual agreements and the Norwegian Working Environment Act.
In accordance with the Norwegian Transparency Act, Simon Møkster Shipping has a continuous due diligence process to identify and mitigate risks and actual negative impacts on human rights and decent working conditions.